Spread the Passion & Amplify the Impact
Thank you to our ACMG members who participated in our 2024 Member-Get-a-Member Campaign. Their efforts to expand College membership are much appreciated! As a token of our appreciation, our 2024 new member recruiters will each receive a $25 gift card and an ACMG branded T-shirt.
2024 Recruiters:
- Paldeep S. Atwal, MD, FACMG
- Daniah T. Beleford, MD, PhD, FACMG
- Yang Cao, PhD, FACMG
- Silvina Noemi N. Contreras, MD, MS
- Esperanza Font-Montgomery, MD, FACMG
- RaeLynn Forsyth, MD, FACMG
- Clair A. Francomano, MD, FACMG
- Meng-Chang Hsiao, PhD, FACMG
- Jianling Ji, MD, MS, FACMG
- Charu Kaiwar, MBBS, MS, FACMG
- Pongtawat Lertwilaiwittaya, MD
- Hong Li, MBBS, PhD, FACMG
- Pengfei Liu, PhD, FACMG
- Markey C. McNutt, MD, PhD, FACMG
- Anna Mitchell, MD, PhD, FACMG
- Arpita Neogi, MGC
- Melissa L. Russo, MD, FACMG
- Maura Ruzhnikov, MD, FACMG
- Dana Schroeder, MSN
- Xiangling Wang, MD, FACMG
Our competition for 2024 is closed; however, we encourage all members to reach out to their colleagues and peers and encourage them to join ACMG. See our recruitment suggestions and resources below.
Help us grow the College by reaching out to your non-member colleagues and sharing the value of ACMG Membership. Let them know how ACMG membership has helped expand your professional network, provided continuing education that can’t be found elsewhere, and provided you with resources that have benefited you, your workplace, and your patients. Each member has their own unique value story to tell.
Invite colleagues and others you know in the healthcare field to join the College by going to the ACMG Home page, selecting the Membership Navigation tab, and then selecting the Join ACMG drop-down menu link. ACMG has a membership category for anyone with an interest in Medical Genetics and Genomics.
Membership criteria for each category are noted on the Join ACMG page. New members will be prompted to enter a “Referred By” name and email when they join so make sure to tell them to add your information when prompted.
Share your member experience and why you’re a member of ACMG. If you choose, you can use our Membership Recruitment Toolbox in your recruitment communications. Send an email, video, or post your membership testimonial or video on social media.