Formerly the Maintenance of Certification Program (MOC)

The ABMGG Continuing Certification program is designed to engage diplomates in continuous professional development, assuring lifelong learning and competency in their specialty(ies). ABMGG Diplomates participating in the Continuing Certification program are expected to complete specified activities within a four-part framework, which includes:

  • Professionalism and Professional Standing (Part I)
  • Lifelong Learning and Self-Assessment (Part II)
  • Assessment of Knowledge, Judgment, and Skills (Part III) 
  • Improvement in Medical Practice (Part IV)
    • Over 33 Modules and more to come (Prenatal, Clinical, Cancer, Metabolic, Cytogenetics/Molecular
Questions about the ABMGG Continuing Certification Program Formerly the Maintenance of Certification Program (MOC) contact

Improvement in Medical/Professional Practice (PartIV)

ABMGG's Continuing of Certification program is designed for board-certified diplomates to participate in continuous professional development, assuring lifelong learning and competency in their specialty(ies).

All Member Boards of the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) require their diplomates to actively participate in MOC. The ABMS Program for MOC involves ongoing measurement of six core competencies defined by ABMS and ACGME:
  • Practice-based Learning and Improvement
  • Patient Care and Procedural Skills
  • Systems-based Practice
  • Medical Knowledge
  • Interpersonal and Communication Skills
  • Professionalism
These competencies are measured within a four-part framework:
  • Part I: Professionalism and Professional Standing
  • Part II: Lifelong Learning and Self-Assessment
  • Part III: Assessment of Knowledge, Judgment, and Skills
  • Part IV: Improvement in Medical Practice
For more information about the requirements for ABMG Diplomates, please click here

Practice Improvement Modules

Practice Improvement modules are derived from accepted practice guidelines related to genetics patient care. Modules are available for pediatric genetics, adult genetics and prenatal/obstetric genetic care providers.


  1. Educational Content – Review module, literature, and practice checklist
  2. Charting – Each module requires the learner to review up to 5 patient charts and documenting certain findings according to the module questions.
  3. Peer Comparison and Self-reflection Questions
  4. Evaluation
Completion of these modules should be based on actual patient care as documented in your patient chart.

The process is not meant to be punitive but designed to help assess practice and facilitate practice improvement. The modules should be completed honestly based on documentation in the chart. An audit process may be implemented by ACMG to document compliance. Learners should keep track of the specific charts used to complete the practice module so that these charts could be reproduced in the setting of an audit.

Self-reflections should be meaningful and provide evidence that the diplomate has considered the practice guidelines contained in the exercise in the context of their own clinical practice. Answers to reflection questions should be 2-3 full sentences long and have thoughtful content. Answers to reflection questions will be anonymized and reviewed for content by the MOC committee. Reflections that do not meet these guidelines will be returned to the diplomate for revision. Revisions that do not meet guidelines may result in forfeiture of MOC credit for a given module and a request to repeat the module.

  1. Do you think this module reflects best practice? Please elaborate whether you agree or disagree and state why.
  2. Did you identify any gaps in your practice? If so, please elaborate.
  3. If you identified gaps in your practice, what changes do you plan make to your practice based on this module?
  4. What if any barriers do you foresee for implementing change if you identified gaps in your practice? For example, short staffing, time factors etc.

Available Modules

Cancer Genetics
Diagnosis and Management of Adult Patients with Cowden Syndrome
For geneticists who are involved in the diagnosis and management of an adult patient with a diagnosis of Cowden syndrome or PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome.

Assessment for and Management of Lynch Syndrome
For geneticists who are involved in the diagnosis, counseling and management of patients with Lynch syndrome. This module is geared towards the initial evaluation and management of patients with Lynch syndrome, not for the evaluation of whether Lynch syndrome is in the differential.

Counseling for Inherited Cancer Risk
Counseling for individuals presenting for evaluation of a possible hereditary risk for cancer based on personal or family history.

BRCA1 and BRCA2-Associated Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Version 2021
This module evaluates clinical practice in the care of patients who are either affected and/or have a family history of breast and ovarian cancer.

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Laboratory Genetics
Interpretation and Reporting of Copy Number Variants Detected by CMA in Constitutional Testing
This module is an overview of recommendations for genetics laboratory reporting work-up and interpretation of results identified by chromosomal (aka whole genome) microarray (CMA).

Cytogenetic Analysis of Newly Diagnosed Acute Leukemia (AML, A-ALL, P-ALL) Version 2020
For Cytogenetics Laboratory Directors who sign out cases of patients with newly diagnosed acute leukemia. This module covers both pediatric and adult patients.

Chromosome and FISH Analyses of Patients with Suspicion of Turner Syndrome Version 2021
This module is an overview of recommendations for metaphase chromosome analysis of patients with suspicion of Turner syndrome. Chromosome analysis, with adjunct fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and/or chromosomal microarray, can diagnose Turner syndrome and identify the multiple different abnormal karyotypes that may be present. The aim of this module is to encourage appropriate work-up that will detect mosaicism and other karyotypic variations that may impact clinical outcome.

Cytogenomic Analysis of Newly Diagnosed Plasma Cell Disorders (Multiple Myeloma, MGUS, Plasmacytoma, Smoldering Myeloma)
This module is an overview of recommendations for cytogenomic laboratory work-up of patients with newly diagnosed plasma cell disorders.

Analysis of Urine Organic Acids
For clinical biochemical geneticists who analyze, interpret, and report urine organic acids.

Germline Variant Reporting in Patients Undergoing Tumor Testing
This module is an overview of the ACMG statement on reporting germline variants detected during tumor testing. It touches upon important considerations when inferring germline status of the variants identified via somatic testing and pertaining this information in the report.

Molecular Genetic Testing of CGG Repeat Expansions in Fragile X
This module is an overview of the ACMG technical standards for molecular genetic testing of CGG repeat expansions in the 5’-untranslated region of the FMR1 gene.

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Medical Genetics
Analysis of Acylcarnitines
This module is for clinical biochemical geneticists who are responsible for analysis, interpretation, and reporting of acylcarnitine profiles.

Evaluation and Ongoing Care of Biotinidase Deficiency Version 2020
For geneticists who provide initial evaluation and ongoing management of individuals with biotinidase deficiency diagnosed by newborn screen.

22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome (2024 version)
For geneticists who are involved in the initial and ongoing care of patients with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. This does NOT include patients with known atypical deletions or who have duplications of this region.

Assessment and Management of Fragile X Syndrome
For geneticists who are involved in the initial and ongoing care of patients with Fragile X syndrome. This does NOT include prenatal screening but the postnatal care of patients.

For geneticists involved in the further evaluation and care of patients diagnosed with Autism.

Classic Galactosemia Version 2020
For geneticist who provide initial and ongoing care to patients diagnosed with galactosemia. This does NOT include the follow up of newborn screen abnormalities but focuses on patients diagnosed with galactosemia.

Down Syndrome
For geneticists who are involved in the initial and ongoing care of patients with Down syndrome. This does NOT include prenatal screening but the post-natal care of patients.

Evaluation of the Individual with Suspected Marfan Syndrome Version 2021
For clinical geneticists who are involved in the diagnosis and counseling of patients with suspected Marfan syndrome.

General Genetics Patient Version 2021
This module is for documenting the steps taken in a consult for any patient with any diagnosis. A general module that anyone can use who is seeing consults or referrals in clinic for diagnostic purposes.

Evaluation of the Individual with Early Onset Hearing Loss
For clinical geneticists who are involved in the genetic evaluation and counseling of patients and families with hearing loss to determine, particularly with regard to determining genetic etiology.

Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome and Isolated Lateralized Overgrowth (Isolated Hemihyperplasia or Hemihypertrophy)
For geneticists who are involved in the diagnosis, counseling and management of patients with Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome and Isolated Lateralized Overgrowth (Isolated Hemihyperplasia or Hemihypertrophy). This module is geared toward the initial evaluation and management of patients with Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome and Isolated Lateralized Overgrowth, not for the evaluation of whether Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome and Isolated Lateralized Overgrowth is in the differential.

Medium-chain Acyl CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency (MCAD) Version 2022
For geneticists who are involved in the diagnosis and management of patients with MCAD deficiency.

Management of Patients with Urea Cycle Disorders
For geneticist who provide ongoing care to patients diagnosed with Urea Cycle Disorders.

Neurofibromatosis-Type 1 (NF1) Version 2021
For geneticists who are involved in the initial and ongoing care of patients with Neurofibromatosis. This does NOT include the evaluation of patients for possible Neurofibromatosis but the ongoing care of diagnosed patients.

Phenylketonuria Due to Phenylalanine Hydroxylase Deficiency
For a geneticist who provides ongoing care to patients diagnosed with phenylketonuria due to phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency.

Variant of Uncertain Significance (VUS) Result Updating
For clinical geneticists and other clinicians who are involved in the clinical care of patients that have received a variant of uncertain significance (VUS) through genetic testing. 

Achondroplasia Evaluation and Management
For geneticists who are evaluation and manage patients with Achondroplasia. The care of children and adults with the skeletal dysplasia Achondroplasia requires longitudinal monitoring for potential neurological, craniofacial, respiratory and orthopedic complications related to abnormal endochondral bone growth and development.

Mild Fetal Ventriculomegaly
This module assesses the diagnosis and clinical management of pregnant individuals with mild fetal lateral cerebral ventriculomegaly on ultrasound.

Turner Syndrome (TS)
Turner Syndrome is a common disorder due to aneuploidy of the sex chromosomes. This module assesses the appropriate following of guidelines for diagnosis and clinical management of Turner syndrome.

Klinefelter Syndrome (KS)
This module assesses the appropriate following guidelines for diagnosis and clinical management of Klinefelter syndrome (KS) patients over the age of 6 years.

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Prenatal Genetics
Neurofibromatosis Type 2 (NF2)
For geneticists who care for children and adults with NF2.

Evaluation of Abnormal Maternal Serum Screening
For geneticists who are involved in the counseling and decision making for patients with a documented abnormal maternal serum screen.

Prenatal Genetic Screening for Fetal Aneuploidy
For clinical geneticists who are involved in the acquisition, interpretation and counseling for fetal aneuploidy screening. It is NOT intended for those clinical geneticists who are involved with counseling screen positive patients AFTER screening samples are obtained.

Genetic Counseling for Prenatal Diagnostic Testing
This module is designed for the practitioner involved in counseling patients prior to a patient having a diagnostic procedure performed.

Prenatal Cell-Free DNA Screening
For the geneticist who is involved in counseling prenatal patients about genetic screening options for aneuploidy including Prenatal Cell-Free DNA Screening. This module is not for the individual who counsels on results of Prenatal Cell-Free DNA Screening ordered by another provider.

Carrier Screening
For the geneticist who offers preconception or prenatal carrier screening.

Preconception Genetic Consultation
This module is designed for the physician who sees patients in the preconception setting for counseling regarding risks to future pregnancy.

Prenatal Exome Screening after Abnormal Ultrasound
Many patients undergo ultrasonography during pregnancy. If a fetal anomaly is detected, genetic counseling should be offered and genetic testing options should be reviewed. Prenatal exome sequencing may be one of the strategies discussed depending on the clinical scenario.

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